Actively suggest and rate locations for charging points


With e-locate, you actively involve citizens in identifying and evaluating desired locations for charging points.

With e-locate, you can do just that:

  • You enable the suggestion and evaluation of locations
  • You offer a feedback option with a simple solution
  • You create transparency for the evaluation and acceptance of suggestions
  • You create trust in your planning of charging stations
  • You identify the potential for more electromobility
  • You create publicity for more acceptance

Product features

Interactive map

The easily accessible and intuitive map applications, together with well-structured methods, enable active participation by citizens. Ideas and suggestions are very welcome. They can be incorporated into your planning.

Evaluation and commentary

In addition, the suggestions can be evaluated and commented on by the users. The transparent presentation of ratings for inclusion in your planning or perhaps even rejection of the suggestions creates more trust.

Transparent communication

With e-locate, we also offer you a system for transparent and successful communication with your target groups. At the same time, it provides the basis for successful public relations work.


Use e-locate for further advantages

Start a campaign with companies to find possible locations for charging points in employee car parks

Offer e-locate as a service for companies to strengthen employee loyalty.

Your benefit: You successfully tap into additional strong target groups for the expansion of e-mobility.

With e-locate, you have the best prerequisites for cost-effective infrastructure planning. With the clear and structured result of the participation, the concept and communication for more electromobility will succeed on a secure and standardised basis.

As experienced experts in high-precision geodata and online participation solutions, with e-locate we offer you the best conditions for successful citizen participation in the planning of charging stations in your sales area.

With e-locate, you can rely on a future-oriented participation solution that will greatly improve the expansion of e-mobility. Discover now how you can drive this topic forward together with us.

Portrait von Romina Höftmann
Romina Höftmann, Project Manager
Do you have questions about the product or would you like to use e-locate for your purposes?
Contact us!

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